Sunday, March 15, 2009

Before and After....

This is how Jillian looked before I went to the store.

This is how Jillian looked when I came home.

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Mommy: "What happened Daddy??"

Daddy: "We went out for a walk.
We met with some neighbors.
We played.
And, we visited Nana upstairs."

Mommy: "Looks like you had a good time!"

Daddy: "We did!"

1 comment:

Maia said...

I"m clapping with glee right now!
LOVE the ponytails!!!!
And her hair is just so, so pretty!!!!
Qq's hair is very fine and grows sooooo slooooowly, so I have been frustrated in my ponytail ambitions.
I can't wait...
On the other hand, she's been growing so fast in height that I kinda want her to slow down.