Friday, January 16, 2009

Please pass the Cold.....

Again this post taken from our original blog. Photos posted there as well. I just haven't had time to play with uploading photos here. Oh well, time and patience are limited at the moment, and, it is a bit frustrating to do double the work with posting!

Please pass the Cold, and the Tissues, and the Cough Drops, and the Antibiotics....
We were so very fortunate to to receive Jillian into our care relatively healthy!!
Jillian is great at sharing! She shares her Cheri0s. She shares her Baby for kisses. And, she shares all sorts of colds, sore throats with her Mom and Dad!!
Since starting daycare over the summer, we've been taking turns passing around cold after cold, runny noses and several boxes of tissues, all courtesy of the wonderful world of daycare!!
Christmas week, Jillian passed on a nasty little bug complete with aches and pains and flu type symptoms to her Daddy. Just as John was feeling better, Jillian passed her little runny nose to me along with said aches and pains. Over the next week we were all feeling better.
As Jillian just appeared to have a runny nose with no other apparent symptoms, things came to a head over the last week and a half. She had several nights waking up crying and had some coughing. She was content to be held, however, would not go back to sleep. Quite unusual for Jillian who sleeps through the night. Now, I get a severe sore throat along with laryngitis - so the sleepless nights are not helping. Surely, if I feel as bad as I know I do, Jillian must feel just as bad - yet she bounces back to her normal self while at daycare.
We make a trip to the pediatrician on Tuesday, low and and behold, Jillian has her second known ear infection and needs antibiotics.
I say second known only because there is always a possibility of her being sicker than she appears. She never really indicates symptoms of being sick which sometimes makes me a little nervous. Her appetite doesn't really change. She doesn't pull at her ears. This time around with the ear infection, she was only waking up at night crying, and although soothed would not go back to sleep for sometimes several hours.
We have a follow up with our pediatrician in a couple of weeks, then it will be time to make another follow up with the pediatric ear nose and throat specialist.

Last time we were at the specialist, they suggested there would be a possibility of tubes. It looks like that that possibility will most likely will be a probability. We have to wait for the infection to clear up first, and take it from there.


Gail said...

Hope you all are feeling better.
When I came home with my first dgt. I got ear infections! My doc said "I can tell you have a young one at home, its very unusual for adults to get ear infections.
I hope I have built up a resistance this time around!

I know I didn't see you at the White Swan, because I would have spotted that blonde beauty! : )
When did you leave for home? We left on a Wed. I think it was June 4th.
I wonder if we were on the same flight back home!

Maia said...

Mmmmmmmmm....we are still resisting daycare, but QQ does go to the various kids' museums quite regularly with her BFF Esme. So far QQ has been extremely healthy. When daddy had his annual 6-8 weeks of winter illnesses in Dec/Jan, she never caught anything. Just this past week, we think she had a cold, because she started sneezing incessantly for several days, and had a lot of excessive snot. She did not "seem" sick (but that's pretty normal for little ones). After the first couple days, I started feeling like I had a sore throat, and was sure I was catching whatever she had, but I took a bunch of supplements, and it went away.
QQ has never had an ear infection, even before her tubes were put in - which is VERY unusual for a cleft child. Though she did have a nasty sinus infection when we first came home from China.